Tuesday, 17 November 2009



What is the name, class, and spec of your primary DPS?

Lorelie, Blood Elf Huntard, Survival Pew Pew. (1/14/56)

What is your primary DPSing environment? (i.e. raids, PvP, 5 mans)

I am very much raid specced (10 and 25 - ToC 10, Ulduar, Ony etc etc) and will tear through heroic 5 mans when required.

What is your favorite DPS spell/ability for your class and why?

Hmm bar FD and MD? It would have to be a mix of black arrow and explosive shot. When specced right black arrow triggers lock and load to allow you to explosive shot more. It involves concentration on what is around you AND what your talents are doing so it stops it being boring.

What DPS spell do you use least for your class and why?

Arcane shot. Never used it on Survival and never will. Shares a CD with far more important things.

What do you feel is the biggest strength of your DPS class and why?

I enjoy the fact that a tank can rely on me not to over aggro, and if I do to FD, and that I am instantly on the ball with MD if something goes wrong as well as my steady and competent DPS. Crowd Control is still used in some fights and I like the fact I can join in with that also. I very much enjoy PvP so put those skills (learning to move and fight at the same time with strafes and jumps and kiting etc) to good use.

In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best DPS assignment for you?

I am the 'doer'. I do things. Shoot orbs down, spot things going wrong in the raid, MD and even distracting shot mobs from healers to kite back to the tank. I enjoy doing things. Although yes this causes my DPS to suffer somewhat, I find it far more enjoyable than just standing in one spot shooting over and over again. I would prefer to be out there doing things for the greater good of the raid and not just to top a DPS chart.

What DPS class do you enjoy DPSing with most and why?

I like raiding with any classes, even other Hunters in all honesty (though not if they have a gun). Each class brings their own special touch to a raid be it a shaman and totems, paladins and buffs, warlocks and raid buffs and goo balls and even mages (strudel YUM!)

What DPS class do you enjoy DPSing with least and why?

I don't hate any of them, but I dislike a lot of melee gathered together clumping up where the tank is. I don't like not being able to see :D

What is your worst habit as a DPS?

Missing rotations. I have bells and whistles and jangles and lights flashing to get me to hit a rotation but sometimes I slip. It happens.

What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while DPSing?

The tank not taking into account I have a pet and if the mob is half on a lake of poisonous goo my pet will stand in that goo. Thankfully every tank I group with has been trained in the art of leaving space for a pet and if they haven't, they take a kind suggestion to move forwards a bit quite well and do so.

Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other DPS?

Hmm no, not really. I have yet to see a hunter match the DPS of a Mage or Warlock that really know what they are doing. I am always out dpsed by those two. Angst!

What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a DPS?

I used to have recount but I became obsessed with my DPS and it became frustrating, so I have not reinstalled it. I simply ask the tank (or someone with recount or dps meter) to tell me at the end of the night what my dps was and I am satisfied with that.

On certain raids there is graphs and things and what nots, recordings of what happened and who did what, but I do scan over them to see where I can improve. Don't ask what it is, I have no idea :D Ask Pala/Rogue!

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your class?

That Hunters are lazy and loot grabbers. Also that hunters are easy to play. I have found them as ONE of the easier classes to play (no where near as easy as DKs ffs -see previous posts-) but they do need a lot of skill and quick thinking to get the best out of them

What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new DPSers of your class to learn?

Balance. A balance between DPS and being useful in a raid. Not just standing still and shooting. Oh and rotations. Levelling on BM spec then switching to Survival at 80 is never easy.

What DPS class do you feel you understand least?

Rooooooogues... WTF with the cloak vanish POOF stun stun stun dead BAM stab!!!11111elevenQQ

What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in DPS?

Omen, DBM, GoodNewsEveryone!, Vuhdu.

Macros are the classic hunter's mark and pet attack and yes I have a 'pet get the f'ck back here' macro :)
I'm never allowed bong rights so I don't have any major raid macros :D

[Your class's preferred basic stat] over other stats or balanced stat allocation, and why?

HR is most important. if you can't hit anything you can't dps. Due to talents in survival it is Agility next. Agility is your FRIEND and you LOVE it. Stamina is a bonus and usually comes with agility and Int makes mail better than leather. Win!

That was fun. Hmm. I tag Mortigan The Lock

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

What Bubbles Said

See below. Stollen from I Like Bubbles

Dear Orb Huggers,
November 11, 2009

Just in case you thought it escaped my notice, we are watching you.

When you stand still DPSing whatevering as hard as you can and eat orb after orb on Twin Valks, we are watching you.

Why are we watching you? Well because we are the dutiful healers players, skirting around Bad Orbs and nomming the Good Orbs so that they don’t come nom YOU, oh DPSer Player of the Other Color. We’re paying attention. I see you, Orb Huggers!

I see you, and I will find a way to reach through the screen some day and choke a bitch.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Cooking with sounds.

Just cooking roast port for dinner, Echo was a good kitteh and caught us a pig. Reading over these as I do so. Anyone else curious?



Tuesday, 3 November 2009

An Apology

I have met a decent DK tank, so I apologise. I shall do it in DK language so it can be taken on word that I feel truly sorry for my first post.

Dear Death Knight Tanks.




Monday, 2 November 2009

ToC 10 - This Buds for You.

After the stress and struggle of Ulduar (We still haven't managed to kill Yogg) it was decided a few weeks ago that a group of us (with nothing better to do I may add) would go try our hand at ToC 10 man. A change of pace and a new challenge. Bored of Onyxia, EoE, OS+family we ventured after a new thrill. Just for a laugh y'know?

I remember trying it with the guild once before and it was a small sort of fail. We managed to down the Northrend Beasts but Jaxx the Demon was too much for us, so it was put on the back burner so we could continue to wipe over and over on Yoggs jelly face and insanity smile.

We were pleasantly surprised this time we went through. It was an amazing feeling to see the Northrend bosses fall, giggle at the gnome and smack a demon in the face. PvP was interesting. After one wipe everybody got their game on (We do not come from a pvp guild and only a few of us actually pvped) and we smacked them there alliance in the face. I do feel sorry for the poor Boomchicken who was left till last and a moment of comical timing as everyone turned to face him. Poor chicken.

We unfortunately wiped too many times on the Twins, the balls were confusing, the odd things they did so we called it a day and saved the rest for another.

Thankfully the next time we met up we were ready for a fight. Everyone had read up or got information from other people, tactics were changed and we let lose on them there twins. We wiped once, I got blind sided by two black balls and then took another in the face to save a Warlock (HEAR THAT LOCKS? I SAVED YOU!), but we got them byatches down! To have rubbish and unusuable loot but ah well.

And then the floor collapsed. Stupid Lich King. It took us ages collecting enough wood and stone for that floor, then he had to go and destroy it. Ah well.

We stood and looked at the rather familiar bug before us, slightly puzzled at the angst it had. Well seriously, who could blame it after spending several months kicking it to pieces all for the name of a few tokens. But really, didn't it have better things to do?

We kicked the bug in the balls. Literally. I was on blue ball duty, shooting them down as only a hunter could. Ice was flowing, spikes were exploding, adds were tanked masterfully, the boss was contained and never strayed. It. Was. Pure. Win. The first time we met this guy we downed him in one. Mwaha...haha... ha.

So. Tonight. There has been one more ToC 10 since that first time when we tried for a 1 night run. I didn't make the cut as another hunter had signed up, but I was glad to hear that even though they struggled and wiped they managed to down ToC 10 in one night. Our aim for tonight? The same, just less wipes kkthx?

We managed it. We managed it in about 1 hour 44 mins I think? Or there abouts. There was much celebration anyway. The only hiccup we seemed to have was on the worms as they nastily timed green goo on our poor off-tank who bravely stood there and probably cried. The worms were downed with 5 people remaining in the raid and then came ice howl. No one dared release, the Raid Leader had not called a wipe. Someone had to have faith so it might as well be him. Five people on a face off with Ice Howl. Two tanks, two dps and a paladin healer (who did cry after that I swear). And they 5 manned Ice Howl like how a pro guild would if a pro guild did a you tube on how to down Ice Howl with 5 people.

Jazz the gnome hating demon down first time. Twins down first time. Angsty bug down first time. Under two hours later we pottered out of ToC 10 with a smile on our faces and hopes to chant and gem our new shinies and pride in our eyes.

So this Bud goes out to you, ToC 10 Man, for all the laughter and crying, frustration and joy and the ability to bring us together in a group that can finally say at the end of the day. 'F*CK YEAH!'

The next raid? Thursday. Yogg again. I think I might stock up on whiskey.
